
We found 116 results matching for methods
5 roads to a circular economy – Part II: Product as a service
In a circular economy, the intention is to produce no waste or pollution. Instead, products, parts and materials are used, cared for, repaired, reused and recycled as much as possible. This requires new and innovative approaches to business, and assessment methods such as LCA to measure the effect. In our circular economy miniseries, we’ll address five ways to apply the circular economy and lca in your business. Today: product as a service.

The end of the PEF pilot phase and the start of a beautiful friendship
The European Commission’s Environmental Footprinting (EF) pilot phase has successfully ended. Of the 27 pilot projects, 14 have defined their product environmental footprint category rules (PEFCRs) or organisation environmental footprint sector rules (OEFSRs) for the European market and another 9 aim to do so by October. Now, the PEF method is available for use by anyone who is interested. Read on for a brief review and to see what’s next!

Obscure impacts demystified: Stratospheric ozone depletion
The LCA community proudly strives to cover everything in their assessments: wide system boundaries, the whole lifecycle of a product and many different environmental impact categories. That means that sustainability practitioners have to be able to talk about concepts like eutrophication, photochemical ozone formation, acidification and ecotoxicity. You probably know the meaning of the words, but do you know what it means for the planet? Why is it bad? What causes it? How can we measure it? This series will give you the information you need to work with these concepts in your sustainability efforts. Today’s topic: stratospheric ozone depletion. You might think that’s a solved issue, but it isn’t.