Establish sustainability leadership in your sector
Sustainability is a priority for every sector. But if each company introduced their own way to measure impact, that could seriously harm the sector as a whole. That’s why sector organizations are essential on this journey to a more sustainable world, working with the right facts to create a level playing field.
Sector organizations have the power and reach to establish a harmonized impact calculation approach, align with their members and provide industry-representative life cycle inventory data. This will help members base their life cycle assessment (LCA) on the same foundation.
PRé has 30 years of LCA experience and has been involved in many large-scale initiatives. From experience, we know that the development of sectoral guidance means continuously balancing robustness and pragmatism. We’re used to working in a global environment with many perspectives, focusing on member interests and generating results that can really help companies make a change.
Other ways PRé supports sustainable sectors
We can also help industry associations to develop organization environmental footprint sector rules (OEFSR) that harmonize how organizations in a certain sector, e.g. the chemical industry, calculate the environmental footprint of their organization as a whole. OEFSR are consistent with the PEFCR methodology, focusing on an organization and its complete product portfolio instead of on individual products.
We can offer tools that enable you and your members to calculate life cycle information online, in SimaPro, while safeguarding data confidentiality. With our easy-to-use tools, your members can design sustainable products, make and substantiate green claims and reduce their environmental footprint – and that of the sector.