Product environmental footprint category rules (PEFCR)
Increasing sustainable credibility in your sector
Many consumers are interested in making green purchases but rightly don’t trust claims about environmental performance. Research shows that over 80% of environmental claims is either false or cannot be substantiated.
The European Commission’s product environmental footprint (PEF) method is designed to help companies make substantiated claims about their product’s impacts, reduce assessment cost and improve product comparisons. As an industry association, you can gain a leadership position in sustainability and help your members gain a competitive edge by creating product environmental footprint category rules (PEFCR) for your product type.
Creating the rules for efficient and consistent assessment
The European Commission also established instructions to establish PEF category rules (PEFCR), a ruleset describing how to calculate the environmental footprint of a specific product group. The resulting rules will then be applicable in the entire EU market.
A PEFCR project with PRé will provide your members with everything they need to design sustainable products, make green claims and reduce your sector’s footprint. We can also create tools to help companies easily calculate PEF results and accelerate the use of the new PEFCR throughout the sector.
Help reduce your sector’s footprint
With sector-specific product environmental footprint category rules, you will be prepared for the policies and regulations to come. The new Circular Economy Action Plan, for instance, will use PEF. Your members will be able to make substantiated green claims and reduce the sector’s footprint.
The PEFCR, baseline life cycle model and additional tooling will allow your member companies to easily calculate product-specific PEF results, which reduces the effort and costs of environmental sustainability assessment. Because PEF results are directly comparable, members can gain real value from raising their products’ environmental performance.
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